Monday, July 28, 2008

Forever Long side bar info

I know, I know, my side bar is soooo long because I had to tell about each of my children. I coudn't figure out how to make the text a lot smaller, so you get what you get.
Whewh(sp) I am glad sharing about my family is done, that took me forever!!


TexasTwinsTwice said...

Oh I LOVED reading & learning more about your cute family. I think that is a GREAT idea to describe a little bit about each family member!

Jentry said...

Thanks for making me cry Madre! No fair, I got the water works genes from YOU! You turd. I love you Mommy! <----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> This much! And even more!!!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

I learned new things!!! I don;t think you can ever have too long of a side bar!What are you talking about you cannot write!